Are you afraid of Goblins, Ghouls and Sugar Cravings?

Ok, Goblins and Ghouls are not for “realsies”,


 but do the Following References Strike Fear within your Heart?

Halloween Candy…. Thanksgiving Dinner & Dessert …. Christmas Cookies ….

… I am sure there are more sugary concoctions and meals that I could conjure up,

but I do not want to give anyone nightmares.


The upcoming festivities are a scary prospect for some people!  Some have managed to recover from the carb indulging since the last Summer Holiday cook out, while others are still craving and indulging starchy/ high carb food items.

Some tips and tricks that may help from indulging in

(too many) sweet treats when craving them:

  • Drink a glass of water and or grab a piece of low-carb/low in starch fruit (the fruit will be more filling due to natural fiber content).
  • Limit sweet/sweetened drinks (even naturally sweetened drinks) on a daily basis.
  • Avoid sugary drinks, even “diet” drinks on a daily basis.
  • Limit carb/starch intake from other food choices: fruit and vegetables that are higher in carbs, bread, crackers, condiments, etc. on a daily basis.
  • Read labels:  Strive to purchase and consume things that are at least 5 grams or less in sugar and 5 grams or more in fiber.

Examples of lower carb fruits : Berries, such as strawberries and blackberries and cantaloupe and honeydew. Fruits that tend to be higher in carbohydrates and should be limited include bananas, mangoes and cherries.
Examples of lower carb vegetables : Spinach, mushrooms, celery and tomatoes.  Vegetables that tend to be higher carbohydrates and should be limited include potatoes, corn, peas and beans.



TIP: Using the lower carb/ lower starch choices from above, why not make a smoothie

for a refreshing treat?  Spinach and berries make for a delicious smoothie!

Suggested ratios, additional ingredients and instructions for a smoothie:


  • 2 cups coconut water &/or nut milk ( frozen in an ice cube tray or straight from the container)
  • 2 cups frozen mixed berries
  • 1 cup fresh spinach
  • 1 tablespoon: flax seed meal or chai seeds and/or unsweetened cocoa powder
  1. Add all ingredients to the blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Makes 2 servings. Share with a friend or save the second half for later. Just freeze and re-blend. 

ANOTHER TIP:  You can pour the smoothie into ice cube trays (each cube is roughly 1 oz. per cube) and freeze.  The night before put the desired number of cubes in your blender container or cup refrigerate and blend when you are ready!  If I want the cubes to be a little less frozen, an hour or two before I want to blend them, I will place the container on the counter until I am ready to blend.


For me personally, my “carb” triggers are sweet/sweetened beverages.  They are my “gateway” to having trouble passing on a cookie I would not normally crave and eating three.  I then find that the more I give into sugary cravings, the less I want to eat what my body needs or what I typically enjoy and crave. 


The body and mind are  funny things- they cause us to crave what we need and we come to want them but if we are out of balance then we crave what we want and will reject what we need.  Oh, oh my, like an addiction!

The better equipped you can be to avoid cravings and giving into them, the better you will feel and the more you will discover that you enjoy eating well.  Having healthy alternatives on hand at any given time and especially when there are temptations readily available will make choosing the right food items even easier!

However, do not be afraid to treat yourself!  Since making the choices I have mentioned, I find that little bites of this and that as opposed to large portions are more than enough and leave me feeling satisfied with enough room for good healthy stuff!



If you enjoy a nice cup of tea, grab our easy-to-use

If you enjoy a nice cup of tea grab our easy-to-use TLS® Trim Tea stick packs- great hot or cold! TLS® Trim Tea helps curb appetite and supports metabolic balance to help promote healthy weight management*.

  • Supports leptin sensitivity to help manage hunger and stimulate lipolysis*
  • Helps curb appetite*
  • May promote a feeling of fullness*
  • Promotes healthy weight management*
  • Supports/helps promote weight loss*
  • Supports metabolic balance and wellness*
  • Moderates glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme activity to reduce the amount of ingested starches that are converted to triglycerides and stored as fat*
  • Supports levels of adiponectin to help maintain healthy insulin sensitivity*
  • Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels*
  • Helps maintain normal insulin activity*
  • Helps maintain normal cholesterol levels*
  • Supports cardiovascular health*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



Statements within this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Product(s) and statements mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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