
Wellness Quest 2014….Week One

winter blofSo, the first week of Wellness Quest 2014 has been a total bust. Mother Nature has conspired against me from the get go.

It all started with THAT time of the month. Then we were a person short in our department at work. Then I hit a loverly pothole on my way to work and killed the tire that went into the pot hole leaving my car shaking and shimmying very vigorously.  Felt REALLY unsafe to drive, so I scheduled a time to take it in and have it fixed up. Then of course I would need to have a vehicle to get to work in, which usually would be my mom’s car. Well her alternator went out on Tuesday. My car got rescheduled to Wednesday. Wiggly steering is not good for my stress levels.  And today I got to work just after six a.m. in order to close the financials from yesterday so the front desk could start the day fresh. We had a seminar from 7:30 am to 12:30 today. Then we went back to work to close out the day from today. Then I got a ride to pick up my car.

SO.  For future reference, stress ain’t good for your diet. Not having planned ahead very well, I did not make the best food choices. Not a big surprise there.  THAT time of month makes me extra tired, cranky and craving junk food. All in all not a great start.

blog 3So if I want to be able to enjoy my vacation, I need to eat more like this ——->

This weekend I will be pre-planning more meals, and trying to avoid caffeine. I did manage to switch to iced tea from diet coke. I’ll mark that as a win. Hey, I gotta find SOMETHING positive in all the wonderful stress. :o) I printed out some meal planning sheets for myself, and I AM going to fill them out this Friday and shop for it this weekend. Being better prepared will help me make better food choices and avoid the “quick” options.  Now if I could only kick that pesky caffeine habit……and all the arctic weather we have been having has not been helping with any well intentioned plans to do better. I just want to go back inside, put my jammies on and climb back into bed!

blog 4This frigid weather just makes me want to crawl under a bunch of covers and not poke my head out until Spring! I actually like winter, snow and cold. Usually. Not so much when it feels like -50 with the wind chill. My big brave snow dogs won’t even spend more time than is absolutely necessary outside. Not the most motivational weather. So after I am defrosted, and finished feeling sorry for myself, I can put a little thought into how I am going to reprogram my brain to think healthy. With all that hibernating time, I have come to realize that I have become so used to NOT feeling well, I am having trouble getting out of that mind set. My brain seems to think that since I already don’t feel well, why bother making any small effort to possibly change that? Making decisions based on already having given up trying to feel better is second nature after so many years.

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So if I hope to make it up and over the mountains and all over the states of South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana, I better get motivated here!  I need to give myself a good kick in the pants to do more things that take me toward health and well being.  I need to make being healthy the quick and easy choice, as opposed to processed foods and caffeine.  I’ll report on my progress again next week. Hopefully the life stresses can ease up on me for a little while. :o)


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