Fight Flu Naturally
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Fight Flu Naturally

Fight Flu Naturally


Flu season is upon us once again. How will you be protecting yourself and your family?

Did you get a flu shot? Did you know that the flu shot is only 50%-60% effective during seasons that the circulating flu is most like the shot given. Most years you are lucky if the effectiveness is that high. That’s according to the CDC.

So what can you do to help keep you and your family healthy this flu season?

There are quite a few options that can help with staying healthy.

The most important thing you can do for your health is keep your immune system happy. The best way to do that is to eat only healthy organic foods, get plenty of sleep, good stress management and regular exercise.

But life happens. You run out of time in your day, and grab whatever food is easiest to make. You have too much to do, and skip exercise. The list of to dos just gets longer and you try to keep up by not getting enough rest. We can totally relate. Between family, pets, work and home, you do tend to run out of time to do everything. But what happens to your immune system when you don’t have time to take care of yourself? You should really make taking care of yourself a priority because you can’t serve others from and empty vessel, but there are a few things you can do in between the craziness of everyday life that can help you stay healthy and only take a few seconds out of your day.

Fight Flu Naturally

Support Your Immune System

First, to keep your immune system happy, feed it antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Try Isotonix Immune. It contains Wellmune WGP ® a natural yeast beta glucan derived from a proprietary strain of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Vitamin C and Zinc. It supports your immune system by helping it do its job properly. We all need a little immune support during what can be a super busy and stressful holiday season. Isotonix Immune can provide a little extra help to keep you healthy during the busy-ness.

Fight Flu Naturally

Staying Healthy

If you aren’t able to keep up with a healthy diet, make sure you take a good quality multivitamin to make up for it. Obviously, you can’t eat junk food every day, take a multivitamin and call it good. Multivitamins are just a tiny bit of insurance to block the gaps you have in your diet, not replace good nutrition. One of the best forms to take your vitamins is in their isotonic form. Isotonic, which means “same pressure,” bears the same chemical resemblance of the body’s blood, plasma and tears. All fluids in the body have a certain concentration, referred to as osmotic pressure. The body’s common osmotic pressure, which is isotonic, allows a consistent maintenance of body tissues. In order for a substance to be absorbed and used in the body’s metabolism, it must be transported in an isotonic state. Isotonix dietary supplements are delivered in an isotonic solution. This means that the body has less work to do in obtaining maximum absorption. The isotonic state of the suspension allows nutrients to pass directly into the small intestine and be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream.With Isotonix products, little nutritive value is lost, making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient while delivering maximum results. There is a formula for everyone, check out the benefits of each.

DNA Miracles Multi Vitamin

Isotonix Multi Vitamin

Isotonix Multivitamin Fifty Plus


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, as acidic as it tastes, actually helps to alkalize your body (most of us are more acidic). A body that’s more alkaline may be more effective at fighting off viruses that cause colds and the flu. So adding in a wee bit of the tart, tangy vinegar can help.


Mixing a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar

with warm water, honey, and lemon,

and drinking the concoction a few times a day

may alleviate symptoms and help you to recover faster.

Support the Bodies Natural Defenses

Cleaning and Sanitizing Air & Surfaces

Support Respiratory Health

  • Move over Vicks! R.C. has three varieties of Eucalyptus and is comforting when applied to the chest and throat.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

We hope we’ve given you lots of options on how to fight the flu naturally. Feel free to ask any questions that come to mind. We’d love to give you more information on any of the ideas in this post.

Yours in Health and Wellness,

Dawn and Kate

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